Thursday, December 14, 2023

Violet storm editing (crying help)


        My partner and I met up at a local book store on November 26th with our computers in order to start our editing process. I informed her that I thought it would be fun to start the documentary with a montage of the band, and Bailey had the same idea. Bailey is a pianist and has some experience with audio editing, so once she chose a song, she got to work on cutting pieces of the song together so that the intro was much shorter. We chose to do "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles, since the instrumental was free and readily available on the internet, and the intro has a very simple melody with well defined beats that we could use as the transition ques.

        Meanwhile, I spent about an hour and a half watching all of our interviews and trying to determine the time stamps for the most important information that by all means HAD to make it into the Documentary. If I am being honest, this was a hard task because the members of VOV did a great job at answering our questions. Eventually thought I changed route to helping Bailey with the montage, and we were pretty happy with how  it turned out. Bailey chose all of the music and helped me cut down the interviews into smaller videos. Anyways, together we got around the first two minutes of the documentary edited, so now the rest was up to me to do at home.

        We also officially named out documentary! We definitely wanted it to revolved around something with the color purple. Visions of Venus's brand is defined by this color, and I had done research on the significance of this color tot he rock industry. Bailey wanted to name it Purple Rain after the Prince song, or Purple hue, which are really sick names, but I felt it should be something that represents how Visions of Venus has "taken the world by storm." So there it was, we named it Violet Storm

              One major problem which I discussed here earlier is my lack of b-roll. Since I had no access to Caileigh and Morgan before the performance at the restaurant, I had no b-roll of them. So, we were very VERY limited on b-roll. Essentially the only shots we could use were: Homecoming, the Gig, photographs I took in Ari's room, and a video I took of Ari with her friends at school. But... oh well.. whoops.. womp womp... With a very closely approaching deadline, there was nothing we could do. 

        So, I made use of what I had. I was able to use clips from other interviews as B-roll. We specifically recorded some questions on Day 1 as a two shot with Cameron and Ari so that we could capture their relationship. This proved to be a good idea because they hugged at one point, which I used as b-roll while Cameron talking about the band's relationship with one another. here is where we really messed up. I stayed up late the night of the deadline to finish fixing up some of the editing, and I realized I didn't have the microphone recorded audio clips from Day 2 of filming since we did all of that on Bailey's computer. The rest however, I was able to sync the visuals with the audio recorded with Dani's mini microphone with a surprising amount of ease.

Here is the finished product: VIOLET STORM

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