Friday, February 17, 2023

Film Opening Plot

 Here's my idea

    I came up with this idea on the night after hearing a story from a friend. He told me about how he was unable to listen to a certain song anymore, because it reminded him of his ex-girlfriend. This was a song that they would always listen, sing, and dance to together. This is a common experience for many. I decided it would be interesting to capture this emotion as the opening scene to a drama film. Perhaps the main character is a boy who hears a song in a café, or another public area, and instantly remembers a past relationship. However my main problem with this idea, is that I simply felt like it was lacking. It felt boring.

    So as I thought more about it, I though remembering a past lover who had passed away added more interest to the storyline as the opening scene to a film. I also decided I wanted the song listening to be deliberate, the lead intentionally allowed himself to be absorbed by the song and to the memories. However, the next problem I ran into, was why the lead was doing this in the first place. It seems strange that someone would do this for no reason, I wanted to show this moment as a "big deal" for the main character. Perhaps the scene takes place on their anniversary? Or the anniversary of the lover's death? But since it's February, I thought Valentines day would work the best. A day where you should be with your lover. 

    So this is my rough draft idea for the video:
  • bedroom:
    • Close up of calendar, marked February 14th
    • Shots of lead sitting on bed, looking very upset
  • getting ready sequence
    • Lead brushing teeth, still looking upset
    • Lead putting on formal attire
    • Lead brushing hair
    • Lead packing food and a blanket into a picnic basket, with a fake smile plastered on his face.
  • picnic
    • Close up of lead's feet as he walks across an open park field
    • Lead sets up blanket and food
    • Lead sits down on blanket, places headphones on
    • A sequence of happy shots of the lead with another person, running together, shots showing when the two met, them on dates, etc.
    • Then a shot of the lead taking off the headphones, and looking at a framed picture across from him of a girl
    • Close up of lead, eye tearing up, "I miss you."

Now that I've establish the basics of the scene, I need to work on the most important element, which is the music. This is a song which two lovers used to express their love for each other, and I need to find a fun song that shows exactly that.

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